Thursday, August 6, 2015

Barrage of craziness!

Do you feel like it's hard to get anything done? Tired, stressed out, overwhelmed, having a hard time trying to stay focused? Emotionally, mentally, physically drained? Getting hit by your stuff and everyone else s all at the same time! Feels like a barrage of craziness?  This feeling is part of another shift we are going through, our mind and bodies are in the process of downloading new information, new codes as the vibration of the planet moves even higher. Each time it shifts to a higher vibration we have, lets call it a beat you over the head opportunity to let go of the old and usher in the new. There becomes a fight within as we are transitioning from our old beliefs and programs to the new. We can experience a lot of intense emotions and feel very victimized. Everything we experience can feel like torture and then there are moments where you can see and feel the joy, happiness and peace poking through.  This process can literally be painful as well, our bodies can feel more aches and pains than is normal for us. We may even be getting sick easier and more often.

When major shifts are happening, we are under pressure. the pressure can seem so immense at times that it is hard to function. Time is already moving so fast and there is way to much on our plates as it is. If that wasn't difficult enough. These shifts bring up all of our issues, our beliefs, mostly our negative programs, to give us another opportunity to heal from, understand and finally let go of the baggage we have been holding onto, keeping us stuck.

It is one thing to deliberately get on a hamster wheel and go around and around as an exercise program. Like any exercise program we would like to choose it and most importantly choose one that we enjoy, that actually makes us feel better, happier and healthier.  Probably not the hamster wheel we may feel like we are on! But, this too is an exercise program, it is an exercise of your spirit. Your spirit is pushing you to a higher level and to tell you the truth, we did chose it. Although at this time we may want to renege on the contract and swear we never saw the fine print! But we did, most people are not awake enough yet to understand we have chosen to be here. That incarnating is something we are excited about, the opportunity to learn and grow, to expand our soul especially at this time as we can grow exponentially.

So it's a time to be extra patient with yourself and others. Understand you are already working overtime, give yourself a little down time. Go out in nature and take in the energy and beauty all around you. Know that everything is magnified, so you can look at it. Try not to react, just see what it is showing you about yourself. We are all in this together, let's not forget that so be compassionate we are all going through major changes.

In love!

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