1st Class - 3 Class Series
Monday, September 8th
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Bring a Friend Special - Buy One Get One Half Off
Come learn why you are repeating the same relationship issues over and over.
What beliefs may be getting in the way of having a relationship
or the relationship that you want
Learn what your energy may be saying to others and how to change it.
Your outlook on relationships, what you have been taught about men, women and love
are keeping you from experiencing the relationship you desire.
Learn how to overcome limiting belief patterns. What your relationships in the past tell you about your future ones and how to change them for the better.
Common Relationships Beliefs - Are they getting in your way ?
What we have learned about having a relationship compared to what we think a relationship should be are two different things. We want what we think our relationship should be but get what we really believe! The saddest part is most people don't know what they believe about relationships. They may tell you what they want in one, but they usually don't have that. Relationships can get tougher and tougher because of our subconscious believes, even though we will try different approaches we may still end up with the same results, failure, closing our hearts more and more. We feel that in relationships we tried it all, from "being in the other person's shoes" or "understanding" even "lets do it your way" to "just giving up".
It can be difficult to have a relationship with the common believes we are taught about each other and relationships. Men are only after one thing! Sex! More men are taught to go out have sex, pat on the back. Woman are taught if you do then you are a slut, although with the changes today we have more women doing that. A common belief about women is they only want one thing: Money! Although if you ask women they say Love. We hear and experience so many negative things about each other some include men are cheaters, immature, scared of commitment, stubborn, irresponsible, selfish, poor communicators, etc. Women are crazy, wanting money, self centered, knifing, cheaters, etc. Wrong! Women and men are loving, caring, kind, giving, good listeners, emotional etc. Its just our perceptions on how we see one another man or woman and relationships. We have to break the cycle and start changing the way we think and believe because we will continue to receive the same results of the negative point of view on relationships.
The first few months we suspend our believes otherwise we wouldn't fall in love, we would run if we saw what we believed and sometimes we do, just to prove again that we are right. Right about men, about women about relationships. We may rush into relationships constantly believing that being single is a terrible thing. Being alone allows us to take time on learning about ourselves what we like to do and what we would like with a significant other.
Maintaining what you have in the beginning of the relationship is possible. Yes people do change and their mindset changes too but the key is to do that together and when you do the relationship can stay stronger and more passionate. Communication becomes stronger and easier, and also the interest in one another.
Come join us and learn to make your relationships better!
To register or get more information go to the website. www.miylana.com